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Siwa Protected Area infrastructure design

The aim of the park’s infrastructure is to empower protected area management in order to better manage visitors as well as provide opportunities for exploitation of the park’s natural resources in a sustainable manner.

The PA lacks many basic facilities which are needed to empower conservation, spread awareness and encourage the targeted market of eco-tourism. Thus, the planning, design and implementation of a sound and ecologically sensitive infrastructure is of utmost importance to achieve the targeted objectives.

The park’s infrastructure design, embodies the regions identity, provides for conservation, value and inspiration and promotes the welfare of local people while facilitating and promoting eco-tourism. it presents tourists with the local flavor of architecture maximizing and enhancing their experience of the PA. The design also considers the requirements of the PA staff which are needed in order to enhance their working environment, facilitate their work, inspire and empower them to perform their missions efficiently and heighten their moral and wellbeing.

The infrastructure design observes the needed standards of quality in order to provide suitable visitor services, encourage eco-tourism and justify future entry fees to the PA. This would generate income which provides sustainability to the conservation and awareness efforts of the PA. The infrastructure components envisioned includes park outposts, interpretive stations, an eco-lodge, campsites, hiking trails, picnic facilities, signage and trail markings.

* The design and implementation of these facilities was made possible with the support of the Italian Cooperation, UNDP (United Nations Development programe) and IUCN (The World Conservation Union).